The 10th Annual Stanford Center on Longevity Design Challenge Has Launched!
The Stanford Center on Longevity Design Challenge has launched its 10th annual global competition, which encourages students to design products and services to improve well-being across the lifespan. Once again powered by Skild, the Challenge focuses on the optimization of health span — the period of life spent in good health, free from chronic diseases and disabilities.
The near-doubling of human life spans throughout much of the world during the 20th century is one of the greatest achievements in human history. A key challenge now is to ensure that the quality of those added years keeps pace with dramatic increases in the length of life. It’s critical to develop new ways to align life spans with health spans, defined as the period people remain healthy, mobile, and mentally sharp, unimpeded by chronic pain, illness, or disability. The focus of the 10th annual Stanford Center on Longevity Design Challenge is to create solutions that optimize health spans and promote longevity.
The 2023 Stanford Center on Longevity Design Challenge invites student designers to create solutions that contribute towards the optimization of health span at any age. This particularly includes designs that increase the health spans of people in disadvantaged circumstances, which may include poverty, food, housing, or climate insecurity.
Click here to learn more about this amazing challenge!