A Seamless Solution

What if your elderly parent was living alone during the pandemic. Wouldn’t it be great if they had access to critical online #healthcare services?  At Skild, we’re proud to announce our latest innovation challenge program — the Social Care Referrals Challenge, which is designed to provide them with just that.

Currently, the process of connecting older adults and people with disabilities to the services they need most is not standardized or scalable. In fact, it’s a state-by-state patchwork of limited health and social care platforms that must be nationalized, creating one seamless solution that’s easy to use yet sophisticated enough to correctly match people with the appropriate programs.

Sponsored by the ACL (Administration of Community Living) within the Department of Health and Human Services, the challenge offers a $500,000 prize purse that will be awarded to participants in three phases. 

Innovators will work to devise solutions that best match people’s needs to programs that are available to them, such as housing, nutrition, and transportation. But our innovators won’t stop there: Their solutions must also make it easy for people to connect with those resources — scheduling appointments, not to mention connecting with professionals or other people like them.


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The high cost of rambling.